
Living in Consciousness ~ Indi(r)a’s Food and Garden Weblog

Weekend Non-Food Blogging

Fall is here in Boardman, Ohio:

Fall in Boardman, Ohio

Fall in Boardman, Ohio - 05, Oct

Extreme Makeover- Home Edition with Ty Pennington, the popular ABC series was in our town last week, rebuilding the house for a recently widowed teacher with three children. They completed the whole demolition and rebuilding in 7 days. The location was just a couple of blocks away from our house, with 24 hour local news coverage of their home rebuilding; we couldn’t resist and visited the site on 6th day. Like us, hundreds of people were there to see what was going on and also to cheer the crew and volunteers. I was able to take these two photos; the first one is Ty and the crew trailer parked on the neighbor’s lawn. The second photo is the star of show – ‘The new house‘ and the crowd.

Extreme Makeover Home Edition Trailer in Boardman, Ohio

Doing the final touches to the new house -  For ABC series, Extreme Makeover Home Edition in Boardman, Ohio

Posted by Indira©Copyrighted in Zen (Personal) (Saturday October 22, 2005 at 8:44 pm- permalink)
Comments (2)

The New Home of Mahanandi:

2 comments for Weekend Non-Food Blogging »

  1. Blue house looks cute, not so big at all.

    Comment by Sunny — October 22, 2005 @ 11:12 pm

  2. Indira, I really appreciate this show (except for the one extravagant wedding makeover they did).. And the new one from the same producers – miracle workers! Amazing! What a difference it must have made in their lives.

    These are the only reality shows I watch.

    Indira replies:
    Hi Kay, I was also a fan, watched several episodes, including the one they filmed here at Boardman. But during Katrina time, when they invited that botox filled heartless, Laura the firstlady on that show to show her human side, I cancelled it from my list of shows. This show started out with a very neat, helping others kind of idea, but now turned into Sears and Ty’s personal advertisement. I detest that kind of blatant self promotion.
    But again this is one of the few decent reality shows that are out there.

    Comment by Kay — March 14, 2006 @ 3:02 pm

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