
Living in Consciousness ~ Indi(r)a’s Food and Garden Weblog

Nominee in “Best Food Blog~Recipes”

Mahanandi is nominated in 'Best Food Blog ~ Recipes' CategoryThank you my dear readers and fellow bloggers who nominated ‘Mahanandi’ for food blog awards. And also to judges of food blog awards and to Kate Hopkins of Accidental Hedonist, who is hosting and doing all the hard work of calculating the votes etc.,
I am very humbled and honored by your show of affection. Because of you, I am very proud to announce that Mahanandi is nominated in Best Recipes Category as one of the five blogs.

Voting to select the no.1 in each category is open now till Jan 18th. All are welcome to participate and I’d greatly appreciate your vote in this final process. Try as I may to show indifference to this whole process, I can’t help but feel happy that a nomination and an award, a sign of appreciation would bring.

I already voted for my favorites in each category and Barbara, you got my vote for ‘Best Post-Reader’s Choice’, congrats. Voting process seems to be legitimate and professional, can vote only once, in each category. We all enjoyed reading and cooking up recipes from food blogs, now is the time to show the support. Click here to Vote and have fun.

Posted by Indira©Copyrighted in Zen (Personal) (Thursday January 5, 2006 at 2:01 pm- permalink)
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